• How do I join the IRC channel?
    • Connect to irc.lopsa.org, and join #lopsa
  • How do I share "NSFW" ("Not Safe For Work") material?
    • Please, remember that is a professional channel. If you must, prefix URLs with "nsfw://".
  • What is with the ?
    • It is tradition on that anyone can change the topic, usually to an announcement or funny quote from someone online (usually out of context). Please remember that this is a professional channel, and the topic should be appropriate for members who use irc at work
  • What do I do if I can't connect to irc.lopsa.org if all the servers in the round robin are down?
    • The #lopsa irc channel is hosted on libera.chat, which maintains a list of alternate servers. Alternatively, you can use irc.lopsa.org which points to libera's main rotation servers.
  • What is lopbot?
    • lopbot is an approved bot that provides a variety of functions, including shortening URLs for us, simplifying cutting and pasting from the IRC client.
  • What is pastiebot?
    • pastiebot is an approved pastebot. One can paste info to pastiebot for use in the channel.
    • Send pastiebot a private message with just "help" for the URL and commands available.
  • How does one politely post more than a few lines of information to the IRC channels?
    • Put it on a web page and post the URL to the channel. See the question above on pastiebot on how use the channel's approved pastebot.
  • Where can I get an IRC client

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The League of Professional System Administrators
1200 Route 22 East, Suite 200
Bridgewater, NJ, 08807
Email: info@lopsa.org

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