1. Cascadia IT Conference 2017 CfP and Call for Sponsors
2. Monitor Your Stack With DataDog
3. USENIX LISA 2016 Registration Discount
4. USENIX LISA 2016 LOPSA Booth Help
5. LOPSA Members Speak at USENIX LISA 2016
6. LOPSA After Dark Party at USENIX LISA 2016
7. LOPSA Annual Meeting Raffle Back Again This Year
8. LOPSA Membership Renewal or Registration Discount During LISA
9. Thanks to Tech Team for Dreamhost Migration Project
10. Locals
11. Thanks to our Sponsors & Lifetime Members
12. Comments or suggestions?
1. Cascadia IT Conference 2017 CfP and Call for Sponsors
LOPSA Cascadia IT Conference 2017 Call for Participation is open. We invite you to present a talk or Training at the 2017 LOPSA Cascadia IT Conference in Seattle
LOPSA Cascadia is gathering of professionals from the diverse IT community in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. We gather to learn from each other, share ideas and meet new friends and peers. Whether you are paid to work with computers or just like to experiment with technology, your time is well spent at LOPSA Cascadia.
To find out more read the full call for participation:
Then submit your talk or Tutorial:
We also need sponsors - and the best sponsors are your vendors. Ask your vendor to sponsor Cascadia IT Conference, and cc: casitconf-sponsorship@casitconf.org.
2. Monitor Your Stack With DataDog
Monitor your entire stack. Graphing, alerting, and correlation for all your systems.
3. USENIX LISA 2016 Registration Discount
Planning on attending
USENIX LISA16? LOPSA members qualify for a $45 registration discount. Get the discount code from
https://lopsa.org/Member-Discounts (member login required) and enter it into the LISA16 registration form to receive the discount.
4. USENIX LISA 2016 LOPSA Booth Help
When you're at LISA16, look for the LOPSA table near the registration area on Tuesday and in the LISA16 Expo on Wednesday and Thursday. You can meet and talk to current members, and help us register new members by volunteering to staff the table. Sign up now:
5. LOPSA members speak at USENIX LISA 2016
Many LOPSA members will be speaking at LISA. Here is a schedule to help you catch their presentations:
Branson Matheson - LISA Build Coordinator
Lee Damon - Workshops Chair
Wednesday, 9:00 am-9:15 am, Opening Remarks, Matt Simmons, SpaceX
Wednesday, 11:00 am–12:30 pm, Mini Tutorial I, Git Crash Course, Thomas Uphill, Wells Fargo
Wednesday, 2:00 pm–2:45 pm, Talks II, Capturing All of Stack Overflow's Logs, George Beech, Stack Overflow
Wednesday, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm, Mini Tutorial I, S, M, and L Logstash Architectures: The Foundations, Jamie Riedesel, HelloSign
Wednesday, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm, Mini Tutorial II, Quick Start to Pacemaker HA, Mike Diehn
Wednesday, 2:00 pm–5:30 pm, LISA Lab, Core Skills: Scripting for Automation, Mike Ciavarella, Coffee Bean Software Pty Ltd
Wednesday, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm, Mini Tutorial I, S, M, and L Logstash Architectures: Reaching For the Sky, Jamie Riedesel, HelloSign
Thursday, 2:00 pm–2:45 pm, Talks I, Stealing the Best Ideas from DevOps: A Guide for Sysadmins without Developers, Thomas Limoncelli, StackOverflow.com, and Christina Hogan, Independent Consultant
Thursday, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm, Mini Tutorial II, The 90-Minute Cassandra DBA, Chris McEniry, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Thursday, 4:45 pm–5:30 pm, Talks III, From BOFH to Just Another Person in the Standup, Surviving the Move to DevOps, Jamie Riedesel, HelloSign
Friday, 11:00 am–11:45 am, Talks I, Lost Treasures of the Ancient World, David Blank-Edelman, Apcera
6. LOPSA After Dark Party at USENIX LISA 2016
LOPSA will be holding its Annual After Dark party on Thursday at 9:30pm. The party is sponsored by
Silicon Mechanics who will be holding a special raffle at the party. Stop
by the LOPSA table to enter into this raffle and find out where the party will be held.
7. LOPSA Annual Meeting Raffle Back Again This Year
Thanks very much to these vendors who support LOPSA and its mission, we will be having another great raffle after the Annual Meeting on Thursday night. The vendors who have
already donated gifts are:
Stop by the LOPSA table to see what the gifts are and attend our Annual meeting on Thursday at 8:30pm to be entered into the raffle.
8. LOPSA Membership Renewal or Registration Discount
We'd love to renew your membership in person at the LOPSA booth at LISA 2016 - so much that we're offering a great discount - renewal or new memberships will cost only $35 at the LOPSA booth during LISA.
Be sure and bring over non-members to take advantage of this great deal and get to meet us face to face.
We want your feedback, and in person at LISA is our best opportunity to get it - only once per year!
If you can't make it to LISA, we're still offering you a discount - $40 renewal or registration during the week of LISA.
In person or otherwise, we're also extending our offer of a free t-shirt as well.
9. Thanks to Tech Team for DreamHost Migration Project
Many thanks so much to our tech team, particularly Dan Rich for migrating our various websites and content from our old host ServerBeach to our new provider
DreamHost. Much work over many months were required, and now we're running current versions of software and saving money on hosting. Thanks!
10. Locals
SASAG: Seattle Area System Administrators Guild
SASAG needs speakers. If you are interested in speaking, or have a vendor contact that can give a good technical presentation (no marketing please), contact the organizers through Meetup.com or the email list: members@lists.sasag.org
SASAG needs a regular place to meet. We've had generous hosts over the years, but now we need a new location. Ideally:
- Downtown, or easy access from downtown and transit
- Available nearby parking on a weeknight at ~6:30pm
- Free!
- Projector and meeting room for up to ~30 people
On November 10 Lee Damon spoke on "A Rough Intro to ZFS." In December we'll have our LISA Wrapup and Holiday Party at the offices of Qumulo.
Dinner will be sponsored by Silicon Mechanics.
Many thanks to our SASAG members Lee Whalen, Lee Damon, Carl Riches, Thomas Uphill and Brian Globermann for staffing our LOPSA booth at the Seattle Linuxfest SeaGL on Friday and Saturday.
LOPSA-LA / UUASC: Los Angeles
SoCalCodeCamp will feature LOPSA-LA's "Build a Cloud Workshop" on Saturday, Nov. 12th at USC https://www.meetup.com/lopsala/events/234896878/ Thanks to our presenter the dynamic expert Brian Bennett of Joyent.
LOPSA-LA's "Data Science made Easy with Hadoop" meetup on October 18th at IBM had thirty attendees. Kudos to Thomas Liakos for organizing and presenting!
LOPSA-NJ: New Jersey
LOPSA-NJ is planning for their November Meeting. We are looking for Speakers for November and future meetings. If you are interested please send an email with your talk description to
11. Thank You To Our Sponsors & Lifetime Members
We'd like to thank our sponsors. We're deeply grateful for their continuing support of LOPSA. More information on how to become a sponsor.
Thanks to our Lifetime Members: Benjamin Carrell, Philip Kizer, Greg Rose, Todd Taft
Thanks to our individual sponsors:
Platinum: Jennine Townsend, Dan Rich
Gold: Ski Kacoroski
Silver: Matt Disney, Lee Damon, Scott Murphy, Ian Viemeister
Bronze: Gary Studwell
Gold Sponsor Paessler AG
Bronze Sponsor Edgestream Partners is a small group of scientists and engineers with a unique approach to trading in the financial markets. Our company designs, builds and runs a global trading software platform. We take pride in our software craftsmanship and use Python, Cython and C on Linux to run our global trading operations. We also use open-source tools as much as possible - Python, PostgreSQL, numpy, git, Cobbler, Puppet and Ansible are all crucial to our business.
Bronze Sponsor O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism. Check them out.
LOPSA's web content is hosted by DreamHost .
12. Comments or suggestions?
As we close out this month's LOPSAgram, we want to make sure we're giving you the information you want or need. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to send them to