1. Call for Volunteers
From the desk of the Community Manager
LOPSA is undergoing a veritable renaissance. Chapters are reactivating, volunteers are stepping up, and more benefits are being added. Our Membership numbers have been leveling out in contrast to the prior downward trajectory. It's been my incredible privilege to serve this fantastic community, and a delight to see how it has responded since I donned the mantle of Community Manager in late March. Thank you to so many of you whom have responded with vigor and dedication to rebuild and enhance LOPSA. To those of you who have answered the call, I can hardly thank you enough.
However, now that we approach the half-year of my tenure, it's become more necessary now than ever before for me to lean on the skills and capacity of our community to make up for those places where I lack specialization. I need you to advance LOPSA into the future. And I truly believe that we serve a noble purpose still, an that we can press this organization forward to a future that we can all be proud of. In the spirit of that last item, we have made membership certificates and membership ID's available for paid members.
Last month I launched the Delta Pack, intended to be an elite technical force to build solutions for LOPSA. A sort of Skunkworks for our organization. I now have a total of four participants in this effort, and strongly hope to gain more. Beyond the technical though, I could certainly use teams of volunteers for more efforts beyond that.
LOPSA needs marketing, fundraising, and graphical arts teams. If you have these skills, contact me directly or our volunteer coordinator. In essence, we've reasonably stabilized and now it is the time for us to build the next glorious chapter of the LOPSA story. We have the technology, we have the skill. We can do it. But we can only do it as a community, I am not myself a community. I don't have that power that rests in the hands and hearts of you, our membership.
Even if you can only offer a little, that will be plenty. Community is always noble and worthwhile. Together we are stronger, together we will strive and build a glorious future for the LOPSA organization and more importantly that community which it represents.
Our professional fellowship is so important, both on a human level but also on a professional level. Personally of course it allows us the privilege of getting to know fellows in like position and interests, preventing us from feeling so alienated. And beyond that, when an employer hires a LOPSA member they have not merely hired one sysadmin, but in essence the entirety of LOPSA knowledge and proficiency.
Your community needs you to help build a better future for us all. We are more than adequately capable, all that's necessary is for a few to stand and be counted.
Please contact your Community Manager if you'd like to help in any way. community@lopsa.org
2. Florida Chapter Formation

LOPSA Member Joanna Micco joannamicco@gmail.com is working to found a Chapter in the Jacksonville Florida area. If you are in Florida, we strongly encourage you to assist in founding this Chapter.
One of the most compelling features of LOPSA and membership with it is our Local Groups. Local groups do the heavy lifting for what LOPSA was founded to do. We should endeavor, wherever there is adequate presence to build LOPSA Chapters. We are all so much more powerful and capable when we have one another to lean on. We are each a greater value to our employers when we are part of this sort of community.
3. LISA 2018, will you help?
We need volunteers to work the booth for the 2018 LISA conference. LISA hosted by Usenix begins on October 28th and proceeds through the 31st. LOPSA traditionally has a substantial presence at LISA and needs volunteers to work this year's. The LISA conference is held in Nashville Tennessee.
Omni Nashville Hotel 250 Fifth Ave South
Nashville, TN 37203
Sign Up
If you'd like to represent your community at this years LISA conference, you may also e-mail the Community Manager at community@lopsa.org
4. Chapter News
The summer is typically a time for chapters to lull in their activities. With summer break from grade school and college, the middle of summer is a time for families and beach excursions.
Though the chapter's and their membership are not hosting events there is still plenty of activity behind the scenes.
Our chapter in San Diego is preparing to become active again with monthly meetings. The Nigerian chapter is likewise becoming more active and preparing to host events.
Beyond the aforementioned chapters, there are rumblings of new chapters forming in New York City, Paris France, and Florida.
Summer is in essence the eye of the storm for LOPSA activity. Expect that the comin year shall be exceedingly eventful. But beyond that, get involved. Let us make sure that the remainder of this year is one to remember. We hold the power to make great things happen for LOPSA and our peers.
5. Delta Pack Tech Team
The Community Manager is looking to build an elite tech-team of volunteers to help build new solutions for LOPSA and it's Members. If you'd be interested in bringing your tech skills to the community, please join! Follow this link to the Community Manager's Mattermost team space and join the Delta Pack channel.
As a global organization, the Internet serves a critical role in how we achieve our mission. Volunteers are needed to build up superior infrastructure for our community to forward the fraternity and support that which LOPSA stands for.
Let us build that which shows our skill and drive. Let us show what we can really do. We have the ability in spades, let's do good for ourselves, our community, and the world. We are much more powerful together.
6. Membership credentials now available
Membership certificates and identification cards are now available upon request. If you'd like one of these please e-mail the Community Manager at community@lopsa.org